A Gen Z Career Readiness and Exploration Platform
Enrich your career pathway programs with short-form social media videos coupled with O*Net data-driven insights.
CareerAtlas curates short-form videos from YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram to identify and support:
Job Exploration
Skill Interests
Post-secondary Education Advisory
Curriculum Planning
Workforce Mobility
Talent Pipelines

The CareerAtlas platform can be tailored by career clusters, industries, or be agnostic with O*Net driven insights.
Navigate 7,906 STEM-related careers where a college degree or higher is recommended.
Explore the 4,200 maritime careers the blue Economy has to offer.
Unlock the potential of hands-on innovation with 18,936 direct and related careers in manufacturing.
Access 1,231 unique occupations in the ever-evolving world of finance.
Green Energy
Nurture a Greener Economy by making 3,526 green energy jobs easy to discover.
Learn how to heal, help, and innovate in 2,725 healthcare possibilities.
The future is bright when Gen Z'ers find their why. Make discovery easy with:
Engaging career and skill storytelling
Easily shareable results for community collaboration
Readily accessible O*Net analytics
Finding relevant career opportunities

What are you waiting for? Support their futures today!
Close the gap between Gen Z and the modern workplace with CareerAtlas
Personalize CareerAtlas
Tailor our platform to your program’s needs.
Activate Usership
Easily onboard Gen Z’ers and share results across their community.
Recent Awards and Recognitions

Cascadia CleanTech Accelerator
CleantTech Alliance
Aug 2024

People's Choice Award
UWT Milgard Business School
May 2023

Outstanding Leadership Award
Education 2.0 Conference
December 2022
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